Wednesday 1 April 2020

Why as a leader you need to be more disciplined?

One of the phrases i often hear from most of the business heads of a small, emerging business is “My people are not disciplined”.

When  i  go in-depth on this conversation, i  realize that the business head himself is not disciplined enough and i can correlate the people’s behavior in the so-called discipline aspects.

Let us understand what is meant by discipline in the organizational context.

Most of us relate the word discipline with personal conduct or in more specific to the punctuality to the organization and to the meetings. I accept this as a discipline, however, in my opinion, this is a must for any individual, but this is a low order of discipline. This must-have adhered 100 % and no compromise on it.

What is a high order level discipline that is  really required for the organization?

1.       Consistency in doing in any activities
2.       Alignment in what is being told and the action being done

The above disciplines must be demonstrated by the leaders.

There only the leader’s role comes in a big way.

I know one CEO is very punctual to the organization and not consistent in other business-related activities like conducting reviews regularly, frequently switching on and off on any new initiatives, not adhering to his commitments to the team. When he is not disciplined enough, the team also behaves in a less disciplined way because people are watching their role model always. In the organizational setup, the business head is a role model.

People and organizational culture will be in line with the leader’s way of working even though the leadership team can preach many motivational contents to the team.

As a leader, you need to be more disciplined, that is maintaining consistency in your thoughts, behaviors, and actions because people are watching you!

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