Monday 2 September 2019

Factors for building winning culture in small, emerging organization

What differentiates the outstanding organization and mediocre organization is how the organization responds to customer's or market's expectation.

The response effectiveness depends on the internal organizational culture.

When the organizational culture is a positive and winning spirit, the response would be quick, reliable, and with cost-effective solutions or product. Whereas if the organization culture is more of victimized culture, then the response would be late, non-reliable and less cost-effective solutions or product. 

How the people are feeling themselves and working towards the customer is all about the indication of winning culture.

Building a winning culture is the time-consuming process, and it is a continuous effort, and predominantly, it is the prime responsibility of the business head than the followers.

Building a winning culture does not have a single factor, and it is a combination of multiple factors, as mentioned below. 

4.Forum for reviews and feedback
5.Communication process
6.Risk-taking and experimentation
7.Process and Standards
8.Recognition and appreciation

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