As a business head, you may be spending your time, effort and energy in many activities of your business. The more you effectively spend your time in critical elements, more your business prospects.
You need to understand the fundamental of your business drivers and your awareness about those drivers and the depth of your management on those drivers will bring profitability and growth.
Key drivers of your business:
As one of the appreciating assets in any organization is PEOPLE. However, one of the challenging area for most of the business head is managing people.
It involves
Manpower Planning for existing and future
Attracting Right People
Engaging towards organizational goal and culture
Providing Growth opportunities and learning
When you are not spending your time on this "People" factor, it costs the organization regarding losing skill, high attrition, loss in delivery, quality and so on.
From our experience with small, emerging organizations, most of the chronic problems in the organization are due to "non-availability of right people in the right positions."
Profit :
One of the critical aspect for sustaining any business for a long term is " Profitability."Only when the business generates a decent profit, the business can survive and look for growth opportunities. As a business head, you must know how the business does generate profits and the factors contributing to or affecting the profitability of the business.
To know the causes or sources of profitability, you must be aware and have depth understanding of the following factors
1. Understanding your value chain or cost stack up in your products
2. Your pricing methodology and relevance with reality
3. Product portfolio and margin in each segment
4. Buiding cost consciousness culture in the organization
5. Your sensitive analysis on volume and variety or product portfolio mix
Cashflow :
As we have observed in some organizations with high profitability, the organization struggles to meet the working capital requirements, and the business head spends most of the time in managing the cash flow issues. The reason is lack of understanding on the aspects of from where / when / how much money comes in where/ when/ how much money goes out from the business.
Business head needs to know the fundamentals of money flows irrespective of his background, financial illiteracy. He must know to balance the payables and receivables so that the business can run smoothly.
Growth :
Growth is essential to sustain and increase the profit. Beyond some point of effectiveness, increasing the profit is difficult. If a business wants to generate more profit, then one of the ways is looking for growth in business topline revenue.
This growth is possible in multiple ways as follows
1. Increasing share of business or volume from existing customer base or product lines
2. Expanding into new product lines from existing customers
3. Expanding to new customers or new demographic locations
However, managing growth phase is more challenging rather than running the existing operations with effectiveness. It calls for the marketing effort, new product development capabilities, competency building inside the organization to cope with growth challanges regarding technology, infrastructure, maangement process or practices, people, and capital.
careful planning and execution is required to migrate the organization towards next level grwoth.
Operational effectiveness & Flexibility:
To ensure profitability and sustained growth, internal operational effectiveness has to be maximized.
When we say effectiveness, it is all about Equipment / Asset Utilization, People efficiency, development and product quality.
As operational effectiveness has a direct bearing on the profitability and flexibility to the customer's requirment, your time and drives the organization towards " Lean way of working " as a culture is critical. One of the differentiator among the competitors is your organizational culture on continuously improving your operational effectiveness.
A customer is a center point of focus for any organization. The existence of a business is only due to the presence of market and customer to buy from your organizations.
You need to understand the real reason for the customer to come repetitively to you for doing business. The reason could be
your price
your attitude
your delivery flexibility
your locational advantage
your attitude and approach towards them
your service quality
once if you understand the real reason of your customer comes to you , you need to think interms of
1. sustaining those factors and its feasibility
2. leveraging those factors and sustain it
Maintaince of quality relationship with customers will help you on a long term.
To sum up,
the above factors are key drivers of your business, and how much time you spend on nurturing those factors determine your business sustainability and growth on a long-term basis!