Irrespective of the economic environment
and competition, it is possible to make SUSTAINABLE PROFIT if the CEO or Business head conducts the business in line with the following
seven principles.
- Drive Business with numbers
- Communicate Business Target to Team
- Delegate and Review Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- Keep the Cost Structure LEAN
- Invest in People
- Focus on Big Picture & Be flexible
- Process Mindset
Principle 1: Drive
business with numbers
The renowned management guru Peter F Drucker said “What is measured
improves”.You cannot manage what you do not measure.In business, any outcome can
be quantified and measured.For example, you can measure your entire year effort
in terms of sales achieved or the profits achieved.Setting a business goal with
numbers brings the following benefits.
- You are mindful of what exactly
you require
- It drives your behavior and
- You can always measure your performance
against the target set at any point
of time and take corrective action
We have observed that that almost all business owner or leadership
team have the top line and bottom-line target for the business every year.But
that alone does not drive the organizational action to achieve the result.You
need to have target measurements for all the supporting functions like manufacturing, purchase, quality, service,
new developments, sales and marketing.If you have goals for each function with
clear quantification in line with your top line and bottom-line, it will bring
more focus down the line in the organization.
The point is that it is not only sufficient to have measure
at top line and bottom-line and you need to have measurable across the functions
and across the activities. Once you start to look at your entire organizational
performance in terms of measurement, you become aware of the direction it is
going and you can able to take action at the earliest.
Principal 2:
Communicate business target to team
to all stakeholders is very vital to the business profitability.It may look strange
or soft issue, but from our experience with small and medium business houses,
we have found that lack of communication
or poor communication process within and outside the organization affects the
daily deliverables.
When we refer the term
communication, it ranges from sharing business targets to the routine day-to-day
sharing of key information within a team. We have witnessed in most of the
SME‘s the day to day functional information is held up with a few people and
never communicated to relevant people. Any held up information or delayed
communication only makes confusion, speculation and in turn low work performance.
Most of the SME’s
Business owners are not communicating their goals, business aspiration to their
second level and down the level. In addition, top management is not showing
enough interest or effort to communicate the business challenges, past performances
etc to team. One of the reasons could be their inner fear about sharing the goals
or not having awareness about the power of shared goals.
The advantage of shared goal and challenges is that it will
bring the possibility of achieving faster than if they do not. The benefits of
having regular, systematic communication process are as follows
- It brings top and first line
people together and it increases relationship
- When people are involved,
engagement increases.
- There is scope of idea
generation to meet the business challenges
Depending on the organizational size and structure , communication
process need to be structurally designed at each level .That can be
regular meeting forums, reviews and reporting .Management should also ensure
the communication process through regular, systematic reviews, suggestion scheme,
cross-functional activities, personal touch etc.
Principle 3: Delegate
and Review Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
In most of SME business, the
business owner or top management team will be performing all the work even
though they hold a second tier backup. The reasons could be lack of delegation,
the tendency of doing all by self. This attitude will affect the growth and the
engagement of people in the will be relatively low.Even some management delegates
the responsibility to down the level, but they will be lacking on monitoring
the progress with key performance indicators. Both delegation and tracking
people performance through KPI reviews should work hand in hand.Delegating
responsibility without measurement or measurement tracking without people
ownership does not serve the organization to accomplish business ends. As we have
discussed in principle 1 on driving the business with numbers, each function,
activities, and person in the organization must be measured with key indicators.
Management must review the key performance indicators (KPI) against the target.
As we said in Principle 2, through the effective communication
process, those KPI ‘s can be reviewed.In the absence of measured KPI and delegation, meetings become one way
The benefits of tracking and reviewing KPI’s
- It provides the status of the organizational
performance at any point of time
- Brings people together on common
goals and enhances engagement
- Allows the management to take
counteraction on time to bring back the performance
Principle 4: Keep the
cost structure LEAN
One of the key reasons, the business
struggles with profitability or loss is its inability to keep the cost lean.Lean cost
structure means that incurring the expenses that are essentially required and
eliminating unnecessary cost elements or low return expenses. Each expense in
the organization must have a reasonable rate of returns. Waste or unnecessary
expenses make the cost structure very fat and overall product cost becomes uncompetitive
in the market especially in the buyer’s market.
Approaches to keep the cost structure lean as follows.
1. Track the each expense
2. Get convinced about each expense and
its return on investment
3. Set the cost efficiency target for
each cost element
4. Continually look for waste
elimination opportunities
One of the trap most of the small and
medium business slips is an increasing
overheads due to asset acquisition and utilization. From our experience with
hundreds of business owners, they are very enthusiastic in going for expansion
when they see the light of opportunities. When there is indication for new
business or incremental volume, the tendency of business owners is to add the
capacity even at the cost of borrowing .While it may be logical to go for
investment when opportunity comes in, but the hidden fact that the existing
equipments or facilities are not even effectively utilized 85 % as a rule of
thumb for capacity utilization in manufacturing industries. Without effectively
utilizing the current asset and adding new assets with the same efficiency
loss, the business overhead would become fat. When the business environment is
flourishing, the cost can be absorbed, but if the business is in recession or
even the competition is aggressive on pricing, the business cost structure will not be attractive
in the market.You will be losing the opportunity as well your internal cost
will go up. So next time, when you think about investment in capacity or facility,
think twice, ensure that you are effectively utilizing the existing asset.
Principle 5: Invest in
One of the highest return on investment is investing in people. Competition
can copy your technology, process, cost structure, marketing strategy and it cannot
copy your organizational culture. The positive, winning culture is cultivated only
by people working in the organization. Investing in people consists
of four components viz
- Recruit right people for the position at best cost
- Develop the person's competency
on technical, managerial and behavioral skill
- Engage them through aspirational
organizational targets
- Empower them for extraordinary
It is common in many of small, medium business to recruit
people of any background just to fill the short-term need. This creates
imbalance in organizational requirement and people capability which will affect
business profitability.While recruiting
people, do the double check that job requirements match with person ‘s potential, past
performance to deliver the result.Enhance
your standard of expectation from people and your affordability to better pay
to attract the best talents.
Most of the SME‘s owners have the wrong belief that providing
training and education make the people to leave the organization for a better
job opportunity. Remember that if you are not spending your energy., Money,
time to develop your people on technical up gradation, managerial skill development
and positive behavioral aspects, people anyhow stay in the organization and
deliver lower performance.
One of the research findings on people engagement reveals
that people like challenging environment and looks for new learning’s from work.People
are leaving the organization when they feel that there is less scope for
learning and less challenging environment, even though the pay and perks are relatively
better.Engage your team through shared organizational aspirational goal and
empower each one doing their job with freedom and accountability.
Compared to any physical assets, only human asset is not
depreciating as years go by and this is the only asset brings more returns on
investment and profitability to the business.Invest on it…!
Principle 6: Focus on
big picture & be flexible
Most of
the small, medium business remains in
the same category for a longer duration
due to the leader’s mindset and
their focus on daily routine management.As
business owners are pride about their
core skill competency and they enjoy spending their most of the time in micro
management.Managing a business is all about balancing all aspects of marketing,
development, manufacturing, people, sales and finance management. As business owners,
you must overview all aspects of business management and ensure that you are
taking the organization to the next level with your big picture perspective
rather than behaving as functional experts.
Simple rule to remember that LEARN TO UNLEARN and do not
forget that the micro management, which brought you to this level may not
guarantee you for next level growth. Hence, focus on business development,
exploring new opportunities, people development, and finance management rather
than managing your core functional expertise.
Also, be flexible and open enough to accept the latest trends
in technology, marketing techniques, customer’s expectation, manufacturing, and
quality assurance systems. Change your management practices in line with market
expectation rather than only cherishing on legacy, which may not guarantee
profitability and growth. Valuing legacy with futuristic thinking does your
business fit.
Principle 7: Process mindset:
While the organization is small, it is manageable
with SOME HOW mentality.But it is difficult to manage all the cross functional
deliverables without PROCESS BASED APPROACH while organization is emerging into big.Even in small
organization for sustaining the profitability, consistency of process is
essential. The process can be manufacturing, customer quality, internal quality
assurance ,recruitment , development , order fulfillment etc. . Establishing standard
processes, educating the people in the process, ensuring process adherence is
the prime responsibility of business owners for achieving sustainable
profitability and taking the organization to next level growth.
Some business owners even use to argue that process and
system is affordable for big businesses only as if it is a fancy element of
business. Please remember that because of the process and system adherence
only, business becomes BIG and not the other way round.
Bringing process excellence approach may take time and energy,
but the result is significant and enables you to think on principle 6, big
picture thinking, and really taking your business to next level growth...!